Dr. Jordan J.A. Weaver

Founder & Research Engineer

Dr. Jordan J.A. Weaver


With a doctorate in Chemical Engineering and a postdoctoral focus on immunology, I fuse analytical precision with biological complexity to unravel the mysteries of viral infections and immune responses. From pioneering solar arrays with the US Air Force to advanced immunology research, my career is a tapestry of innovation woven with the threads of machine learning, data analysis, and sustainability.


My work spans groundbreaking modeling in immunosystems, optimizing processes in business development, and applying computational expertise to enhance solar efficiency and viral research.

Technical Skills

Expertise in Python, MATLAB, Julia, data visualization, and statistical analysis underpins my research, coupled with my proficiency in 3D printing, process design, and safety.

Education & Outreach

As an educator and mentor, I've guided students through the complexities of engineering and science, translating academic rigor into accessible knowledge.


Explore peer-reviewed articles and contributions:

ORCID Web of Science Google Scholar